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Celebrate World Art Day Through Dance

Celebrate World Art Day Through Dance

Celebrate World Art Day Through Dance

World Art Day is April 15, and it is a great time to celebrate through dance. Depending on where you want to travel, it is very likely that you will see people working out and relieving stress through dance. Come on a whirlwind tour of some dance styles from around the world.


Bollywood is one of the most popular dance styles in India. This unique dancing style got its start in Indie films during the 1960s when people danced to classical and folk music. Choreographers, like Shiamak Davar and Saroj Khan, often incorporate belly dancing and other dancing techniques when creating dance routines. Dancers performing in this style wear a variety of costumes to help set the mood.


Samba is one of the most popular dance styles in Brazil. If you think that your teachers in dance classes in Altamonte Springs require you to work out hard, then you will understand how easy they really are being when you try the quick hip movements required when samba dancing. It is very likely that this dance style has its roots in Angola and was brought to Brazil by some of the country’s earliest African Americans. Many people practice this dance for physical exercise with songs being choreographed to work all parts of the body.


The salsa is a very popular dance style in Cuba. Today, salsa dance style varies around the world with different styles found in diverse geographical locations. In Cuba, the style is often called casino dancing with that name coming from the large dance halls where people gather to dance together. This dance-style is usually done with music ranging from 160 to 220 beats per minute, so most dancers find it very hard to keep up when learning.


Ballet was first performed in Italy during the Italian Renaissance. In the beginning, only the first wealthy could afford to learn these dance steps. Ballet was usually reserved for the weddings of nobility where a tutor would teach all in attendance. Thankfully, the world has changed, and you can now take dance classes in Altamonte Springs regardless of your social status.


Tango traces its roots to Argentina during the 18th century when many different styles were combined to make this popular dancing style. Originally, tango could be divided into two different styles. The original Argentinian tango was danced by couples while the Spanish Andalusian Tango was danced by single women. Today, many different styles of tango are danced around the world.

There is no need to wait to World Art Day to learn to dance. Give the great teachers at Turning Pointe today. They offer classes in many different styles for people of all ages. They even offer classes for those with special needs. These professionals understand that everyone in the world can benefit from learning to dance.

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